
Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Police, Social Services And Northampton Borough Council

Police, Social Services And Northampton Borough Council

The reason some local authorities do attempt to hide any wrong doing relating to anti social behaviour and would rather persecute the real victims; 'Police dismissed 30 pleas' from Fiona Pilkington who killed herself and disabled daughter to escape. The police did dismiss 63 calls from me and my child.

So all along what they did want me to do when the police did kidnap my child was to copoerate with them so they can hide the true. What they did thereafter is not how you support a person and ask them to engage.

In plain English I am told to keep my mouth shut.

After the police did their national police checks they realised it was them the council who are the issue. They knew this anyway, they just wanted something to use against me.
 Remember Borough Council, Police and Social Services are the worst in this country, always has been I did not know this when I did come here. Check the rates of a local public body, before you do choose to relocate there.

Click on image

There you do have it and this is all the support that was required and they could not even do that. I did engage, by filling in the Housing Application and including yet again all supporting evidence, with support of the community mental health team.  For example 19 page log sheet of all incidents I recorded. Police records and of course the evidence is there to show my child in in care, because we are indeed the real victims.  I did engage, I did what was required and obviously some did not like this, because it showed them up for what they really are, the worst public service providers in the country.

So they left me at Raeburn Road. To gather evidence after the fact. My attempted murder so they can blame me. .

The Perpetrators. EXHIBIT 4 - Committal to ‪#‎prison‬07/05/2014

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