
Monday, 3 February 2014

Some Lawyers, Barristers and Consultant Psychiatrists

Some Lawyers, Barristers and Consultant Psychiatrists

Northampton Borough Council: Dr Bala Mahendra (Barrister and Consultant Psychia...: Dr Bala Mahendra (Barrister and Consultant Psychiatrist)  The paper set out proposals for reforming the Family Graduated Fee Scheme unde...

Are you aware many parents who have been diagnosed with a personality disorder have been done so, by a corrupt court process, that is at loss as what to do. Does a personality disorder justify taking children from parents, who should not have had their children taken from them in the first place?

Just to cover up the mistakes of local authorities. Normally classified by an Independent Expert who is paid loads to give the local authority what they want.
Psychiatric units are there for a reason.... if you have been accessed by National Health Service by top Psychiatrics in their field, and you leave the hospital without a disorder. Do not be forced to go down this route of another independent assessment, this is known as blackmail by the local authority and if you have an excellent solicitor or barrister, they will put a stop to this form of blackmail.

 Dr. Bala Mahendra was the expert in the original family matter. When the criminal court found out that I had been sectioned and found not to be mentally ill or suffer from any kind of disorder, the question was how did it come about that Dr. Bala Mahendra was instructed to give me a psychiatric assessment through the family court and my new criminal lawyer was not only hiding the fact that the police did section me, but had now brought into court a new psychiatrist to assess me also based on the findings of Dr. Bala Mahendra. The lawyer's name is Russell Eaton. 

The bench did excuse the lawyer from the case, who then did storm out of the courtroom. Then the bench did request for the new psychiatrist to rise and excused him too. Then I am told to rise and instructed to take over my own case. 

The clerk addresses the bench and informs them that Dr. Bala Mahendra is used by Northamptonshire Local Authority in all it's care proceedings. This all happened around April 2009.

The bench did excuse the lawyer from the case, who then did storm out of the courtroom. Then the bench did request for the new psychiatrist to rise and excused him too. Then I am told to rise and instructed to take over my own case. 
The clerk addresses the bench and informs them that Dr. Bala Mahendra is used by Northamptonshire Local Authority in all it's care proceedings. This all happened around April 2009.

Eaton, Russell Peter - 123388

SRA Published regulatory & disciplinary outcomes

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Decision - control of practice

Outcome: Condition
Outcome date: 23 February 2011
Published date: 8 April 2011

Firm details

Firm or organisation at date of publication and at time of matters giving rise to outcome

Name: Lawrences Solicitors
32 A Sheep Street, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 1BS
Firm ID: 221743

Outcome details

This outcome was reached by SRA decision.

Decision details

 Decided to grant a practising certificate for the practice year 2010/2011 subject to the following condition(s)
  • 1. He is not to be the person ‘qualified to supervise’ within any firm.
  • 2. He does not have any responsibility for or be involved in the training, supervision or support of any trainee solicitor.
  • 3. He undertakes a course accredited by the Solicitors Regulation Authority on the topic of client care within 6 months of the date of notification of this decision and provides confirmation of the completion of the course (in the form of a certificate or letter of attendance from the course provider) at such course within 7 months of notification of this decision.


 The Authorised Officer considers the above conditions to be necessary and appropriate in the interests of the public. In making the above recommendation the Authorised Officer has had regard to Regulation 6.1 (c) and (e) of the SRA Practising Regulations 2009.

Solicitor three times over limit when he crashed car.

A solicitor was more than three times over the drink-drive limit when he crashed into another car in a Northampton supermarket car park before driving away.
Defence lawyer Russell Eaton, aged 51, was arrested at his home in Rectory Farm, Northampton, after he was reported to police for leaving the scene of the crash without giving his details.
He is now facing a lengthy road ban and community punishment having been convicted of drink-driving for the second time in 11 years.
Kettering Magistrates Court heard Eaton was involved in a collision in the car park of Morrisons supermarket in Victoria Promenade at about 7pm on Saturday, December 22.
When Eaton failed to stop, the driver of the other car followed him along Bedford Road, eventually convincing him to pull over by flashing her lights. …
January 10, 2008 

Solicitor fined £7K for breaching professional code

A solicitor who failed to tell clients they were entitled to legal aid whilst pocketing their money, has been fined £7,000 and ordered to pay £3,161 costs.
Russell Eaton, aged 53, was working for Davis and Co, of Leicester, when he charged privately for work which could have been publicly funded.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Dr Bala Mahendra (Barrister and Consultant Psychiatrist)

Dr Bala Mahendra (Barrister and Consultant Psychiatrist) 

The paper set out proposals for reforming the Family Graduated Fee Scheme under which barristers are paid for legal aid advocacy work in family cases. The Council said it endorsed the policy of equal remuneration in respect of equal work for those providing advocacy services and supported the adoption of an integrated approach. However, it was their strong view that adequate remuneration is essential to the effective and efficient operation of the family justice system. (February 2009)

Northampton Borough Council: Northampton Borough Council: TimeLine

Northampton Borough Council: Northampton Borough Council: TimeLine: Northampton Borough Council: TimeLine I am informed on Friday 3rd September 2014 at the criminal Justice Centre by a PC York P0854

So now do you all get this. The police in Northamptonshire (Crown Prosecution Service) are doing everything in their power to get me handed over to the state, so they can tell their own version of the story as to why they did section me twice and make secret dealings behind closed doors. Now please go back and read this entire blog again, clearfly see who the players are.

I was in court on Thursday 30th January 2014

Shortly on my arrival, a man calls me into a room and says he is instructed by the clerk to ask me if I want a duty solicitor to represent me. He then goes on to inform me that when people self represent they never win, I reply he is mistaken, 1000s do. He tells me this long winded story about always winning his cases and the day he self represents about a parking ticket he loses his own case. He gets agitated and says 'look why represent yourself?'

I tell him I am not representing myself, because there is no one behind me and I look behind me to emphasise my point. I then say I 'presenting myself to the court'. He says something about me acting in person. I say I am not acting either.

He then jumps up and demands: do you want me to represent you or not?
I say, no. He storms out. This is what one does call negativity.

via Northampton Borough Council: TimeLine Two

1. Northamptonshire Police Station

2. Northamptonshire Police Station

3. Northamptonshire Police Station - Bailed on 10th May 2013

(a) Northampton Magistrates' Court 27th November 2013

(b) Northampton Magistrates' Court 

(c) Northampton Magistrates' Court bailed to appear  @ Corby Magistrates' Court

4. Northampton County Court, Family Section, 29th November 2013 - Directions Hearing

       (a) Appeal filed/ Part of the order

5. Wellingborough Magistrates' Court


1. Ref 4. Northampton County Court, Family Section, 29th November 2013 - Directions Hearing

         (a) Appeal filed/ Part of the order
         (b) Appeal returned by post/ update soon  
      (c) Appeal retained as evidence. Date stamped by court that Appeal is lodged on time in Northampton County Court. Evidence now collected of wrongdoing in the original proceedings

2. Ref. 3.(a) (b)  Northamptonshire Police Station - Bailed on 10th May 2013 - DISCONTINUED ON 18TH JANUARY 2014




In  my case Northamptonshire police DO admit within the contents of their paperwork that they were using CCTV when they arrested me or rather turned up at my home and demanded that I go with them without explaining why.

"With Police confidence at an all time low, trust in police testimony completely shot and clear knowledge the police operate a 'culture of cover up', this demand MUST be implemented."

My issue is that they then hide the evidence, because this will show that they are fictitious with their reporting. I refer this to Northamptonshire police force, the system is so corrupt here, they just do what they want. They are in the middle of nowhere. Question the police too much, they will just come along and section you in an attempt to close the case.