
Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Police Powers To Search And Seize Must Be Used Fairly

Police Powers To Search And Seize Must Be Used Fairly

A search under Section 32 of The  Police and Criminal Act was carried out as I was looking for for an iron bar and meat cleaver referred to in statements by Dean Jarvis and Andrew  Castell

1.3A Powers to search and seize must be used fairly, responsibly, with respect for people
who occupy premises being searched or are in charge of property being seized and
without unlawful discrimination. The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful for police
officers to discriminate against, harass or victimise any person on the grounds of
the ‘protected characteristics’ of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion
or belief, sex and sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and
maternity when using their powers. When police forces are carrying out their functions
they also have a duty to have regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination,
harassment and victimisation and to take steps to foster good relations.7.12 When an officer exercises a power of seizure conferred by sections

50 or 51 they shall
provide the occupier of the premises or the person from whom the property is being
seized with a written notice:
(i) specifying what has been seized under the powers conferred by that section;
(ii) specifying the grounds for those powers;
(iii) setting out the effect of sections 59 to 61 covering the grounds for a person with
a relevant interest in seized property to apply to a judicial authority for its return
and the duty of officers to secure property in certain circumstances when an
application is made;

I did previously post that I am done with the force, then I do receive from the court the claim and evidence submitted by the council in support of their claim.  I read through their claim.  So I say right let the police hear my voice and understand that they do not like me, but who is to say I do like them?

Nowhere do I read within the bundle that I am a victim of racial harassment and on one night; whilst I lay asleep on my settee that people in my neighbourhood smashed into my home with an axe, I had not seen them all day. This is not my job to do this, it is for the police to do this.

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