
Saturday, 7 September 2013

Northamptonshire Police II

Northampton Borough Council: Northamptonshire Police: Northamptonshire Police Today is Friday (amended) 6th September 2013 and I can safely report that Northamptonshire police force DID dep...

I did make a complaint about DOGS the police go into overdrive. DOGS for God's sake. Then I am asked if I am willing to be a witness and give evidence in court if necessary. Yes, you did read correctly!.

 It is now official RSPCA within eight days have acted. Northamptonnshire police force place more value on the lives of two dogs than a black woman and her child.

They inform the people in the neighbourhood they can do as they please with me. The reason the yobs run away from the area, is because of what was done to my child. That was effective policing.  An example to the community, mess with us we take your children. 

As for my own life, my oh my, how many times did I telephone the police requesting that they do take a statement from me after my attempted murder?
Instead they say I am calling too much and I must have some type of disorder.
When the police informed the Doctors that Mr. Dean Jarvis did receive a caution for my attempted murder, they lied. Why?
The man received nothing and by the way, why just a caution?

When I was suing the nursery, the lawyer could not understand why I was not suing the police at the same time. The reason was fear. Fear is a negative and if I had sued the police, they would have understood that I am not standing for their oppression. 
The fact that I did not sue the police made them think that it is OK to oppress me. Another mistake I did make. 

When I sued the nursery and Northampton Borough Council for libel and slander a top criminal lawyer instructed me to record anything unusual that happens to my home and told me a story about a male client who is being targeted by the police, everytime they drive by they throw items directly at his home, smashing windows and such like. The lawyer told him to keep a diary too. My smashed windows, of course the police knew who were smashing them, but did nothing. When you read this blog again, you will see I make reference to the lawyer. I must mention, that she did take me out for a meal to talk to me. 

I remember, telling her I wish I had a mother like me. She looked at my child, and said many of us; wish we had a mother like you. The lawyer is my blood cousin. When I look back at all that is done to me by Northamptonshire police force ... She was telling me leave the country and never to trust my parents. She told me all this, because she loves me.  But I could not believe people could be so wicked. Now I know.

Many would have noted since my attempted murder, I have not had one smashed window. I am arguing Northamptonshire police force invited people to harm me.  . As my former GP of ten years said anywhere in the UK is better than Northampton. I have learnt the hard way.

You see growing is admitting one's mistakes. I was tired of life, so I moved to Northampton. What I should have understood my new baby gave me back my energy for life, so there was no need for me to come to this place.  What a waste.

The woman I had never seen before, of course it was #Northamptonshire police.  As soon as I did deliver that letter, the sole intent was to find anything to prosecute me with and this is what they did. Please note how the local establishment have never helped my family. When they openly abuse my child and I they call the abuse support.

King starts talking about love and X has already won the debate!

But they use violence against us. Then when we remain strong, expect us to pen push with them, dragging things on and going nowhere. Look, it is our children they want and my case should serve as an example of how they intend to take black children and what they will do with them.

An officer told me not too long ago that he will come to my home and he will, then petered off. I say that is more like it, forget the PR with your two faced customer service, come on then, because you are all wishing you did kill me in the police station when you had the chance, but then my child would have told everybody that you killed me. They are spineless individuals who move in packs or with an axe.

To reveal to me, directly to my face that dogs get more respect than me, but hey this is what my eviction is about, not about 'Ms Godwell tell the Judge what Dean Jarvis did to you.' What an insult to my face. They are all busy protecting him. Those photographs of my axed door has thrown the police, nobody knew I had them. Any evidence they took in relation to my attempted murder is gone. Now they are busy finding an axe to paint and cutting hair from a wig to place in a plastic bag, to photograph?.

So an officer is not brave enough to come to my home on his own to fight me. Not really fair when I have no iron bar and my cleaver is taken by the police.

I called Northamptonshire police force the KLU KLUX KLAN so they took my child and there is Malcolm X saying ... WoW! 

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