
Sunday, 4 August 2013

Love Is Beauty And Beauty Is Truth

Love Is Beauty And Beauty Is Truth

Here I am. This photo was taken is the hospital. The truth did come out, everything, every single detail as to what is done to me. I was sectioned by Northamptonshire police force on Friday 10th May 2013, this photo was taken on the Tuesday 4th June 2013 after many consultations and sessions the Section 2 was lifted.  The photo was taken on Thursday 6th June 2013 in the hospital grounds. Yes, I am beautiful.

The Tragedy of life is not Death, but what we let die inside while we LIVE.
During my many sessions, I found myself again and learnt the importance of the above quote.

My lawyer has informed me that the police are trying to find an excuse as to why they stormed my home on the Friday.  Of course this is the time to introduce my abusers, Northampton Borough Council.  

My child's foster parents have a lot to answer for. The names I do have are a Eve and Graham Gardner, even the doctor was shocked to find out the lengths this couple have taken to keep my child and I apart. My child's new social worker is NOW blaming the foster carers. 

For people to survive from social services (the defunct local government they serve, depending on the area you do live), the family court system and in my case racial harassment will hopefully learn from all I am sharing. 


  1. “Justice is a part of the human makeup. And if you deprive a person of Justice on a continuous basis, it’s really an attack (and not to get religious or anything) but it’s an attack on the human soul. We have, as societies, evolved ideas of Justice and we have done that because human nature needs Justice and it needs resolution. And if you deprive somebody of that long enough they’re going to have reactions…”
    ~ Juli T. Star-Alexander – Executive Director, Redress, Inc.

  2. Replies
    1. I no longer believe in justice, too many years have gone by. But thank you and may your hope shroud me in my time of lost faith with the system. X

  3. Social worker said to me last week, she did not mean foster carers I mean independent reviewing officer. I retort, but if the foster carers really are good carers they will be going out of their way to promote our relationship. They did not even ask or tell me that they were putting my child on a plane, good practice is to ask first! I have asked this worker in disbelief is she indeed registered?
    She is.
