
Friday, 12 July 2013

Private & Confidential Godwell - DATA PROTECTION ACT‏

Subject: FW: Private & Confidential Godwell - DATA PROTECTION ACT
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 12:13:49 +0000

Resent due to delivery error.

Wishing you all a very good day!

Subject: Private & Confidential Godwell - DATA PROTECTION ACT
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 12:08:29 +0000

Dear Ottis

I am writing to you, because you did contact me on 1st July 2013 and I have not too long ago entered a telephone conversation with you.

Also on 1st July 2013  I did confirm that my mainline telephone number is private, I do appreciate the fact that you were keen to introduce yourself to me. Kindly please remove my mainline telephone number from your file as a point of contact; I will receive  communications by correspondence only. 

The main points

  1. My matter concerns Northamptonshire Police Force Professional Standards. Please confirm your main point of contact in reference to your communication with me on behalf of the department.
  2. Outline your objective.
  3. Provide to me your mailing address
  4. Deliver to me by 1st or 2nd Class post ONLY :

Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) and accompanying codes of practice


I do look forward to reading from you shortly.

Yours faithfully,
Ngozi Godwell
BSc. (Hon) Science, Technology and Society
Dip. Ind. Studies
Goldsmith Otis (


Picture of Goldsmith Otis

Dear Ms Godwell,
in order;
1) "Please confirm your main point of contact in reference to your communication with me on behalf of the department."
I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you asking for my contact, in which case you already have address, phone and email, or are you asking for Professional Standards? If this is the latter then any correspondence can be sent to our Police Headquarters where we hold our central registry. If anything is marked up "For The Attention Of" on any envelope for the relevant person/department, this will then ensure its forwarding on.
The address is Force Headquarters, Wootton Hall, Northampton, NN4 0JQ
2) In your particular instance, my aim is to try and co-ordinate a reply to your recent correspondence with Northamptonshire Police, as already outlined.
3) As  shown below.
4) Can I confirm that you wish to be contacted by letter only and not by email, (Notwithstanding that I recognise this by email but you state I will receive  communications by correspondence only,  and without wishing to sound pedantic then this is in fact correspondence. If you prefer letter format only, then please state. I will respect your wishes and will not make further phone contact with yourself.
Kind regards,
Det Constable 505 Otis Goldsmith

Command Support Team Officer| 
Telephone: 101 | Ext 8453 | Mobex 776366 | or
Force Headquarters, Wootton Hall, Northampton, NN4 0JQ|


To:, ngozi godwell

FAO DC Otis Goldsmith and Professional Standards

Dear Otis

Attached below is the reply to my email from Otis, on behalf of Northamptonshire Police Force.

I quote:
"I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you asking for my contact, in which case you already have address, phone and email"

The above quote confirms It will be fruitless for Otis and I to continue any further.  I am wasting my time.   I instruct that my case is assigned back to Professional Standards, because as Otis has stated it is that department who did originate the referral to him. Obviously  by mistake.

The main points

  1. The matter falls under the remit of the DATA PROTECTION ACT
  2. Prior to 10th May 2013, I the claimant, did serve legal papers on Northamptonshire Police Force, as filed in Northampton High Court.
  3. The 'remedy' I am seeking is, damages. 

Yours faithfully,
Ngozi Godwell
BSc. (Hon) Science, Technology and Society
Dip. Ind. Studies

This is a clear why you keep away from these people. You know how to litigate so do it!

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