
Thursday, 14 June 2012

Millions Of Tax Payers Money Wasted

Millions Of Tax Payers Money Wasted

As I have demonstrated the abduction of my child by Northamptonshire police force is planned. As they waited for was the right opportunity to do so.  Then realised with half an hour of having my child that they made a huge mistake they had indeed taken an educated, happy and well-adjusted child. Millions of pounds belonging to the tax payer have been spent attempting to cover up their mistake. All the while my child and I are being abused openly. Four long years of tax payers money to cover up a mistake. If they had given my child back on the day she was taken and given us the support we need with a small donation, millions of tax payers money would have gone on to helped so many people and pay people's wages, but no they spend it attempting to cover up their mistakes and abuse a child, add this to the nine million pounds overspend by the Council for children in care (a couple of years ago). Do I need to go on further?
I do not think so!

 My child and I are victims of racial harassment. I am then prosecuted when my family is clearly the victim. During the process Northamptonshire police force did sabotage the case.  For example the transcript is not the same as the interview. During the trial I make a request for the audio recording to be played in court. I brought my own copy, the one supplied to me by the police. The prosecution refuse to play my copy and instead adjourn to retrieve the police copy. When played in Court, the interview cannot be heard, because there is so much background noise.  I offer the prosecution and the bench the opportunity to play my copy, the prosecution say no and the bench says nothing. Miss Perez is the clerk, the same woman who later complains that I placed her name on a website and then signed my child away forever. These people are fully trained professionals who know what they are doing. If they are confused, mistaken or unclear they should get out and let someone with more intelligence do their job, simple. There is more to this sorry story.  For now I will finish this part by stating I was refused legal aid even though I could have been committed to prison and Northampton Magistrates’ Court refused me access to a duty solicitor even though I begged for one.

     Prior to the and during trial, yobs still stoned and egged my home. The yobs continued to attack my child and I on the street.  
      Later a lawyer in London advised me, a specialist mental health lawyer. The reason I approached him first is because Miss Perez wrote I had mental health issues.  Another barrister in London formulated my appeal application for me even though it was out of time. He did so stating that a grave injustice had been done to me. He advised me never to expect Northamptonshire Police Force to help me and further incidents I must deal with via the civil courts.  He also made it clear  it is important I continue to log all incidents (I hope this time he is wrong). He provides to me the details of the Anti-Racists Alliance in London. 

       Months later on the advice of the Anti-Racist Alliance I fled back home to London with my only child. My GP provided a supporting letter and social services refused to. We were housed for four days. The Anti-Racist Alliance were there for me all the way, if I knew what I did now I would accepted the offer of accommodation from social services when my application was turned down, but all I could think of was my little girl and who really wants to be involved with Social Services. Only if I known then what I do now. Anti-Racists Alliance are aware they know about real injustice and told me off for going back to Northampton, they would have helped me. This is why they demanded that I contacted them once I reached London. I just became dejected and returned, I gave up when I came so far. This is what Racial Abuse does to you.

      When I returned from London of course Probation and Northampton Borough Council denied any knowledge about the housing issues. I was recalled to the Magistrates’ Court, because of my good behaviour and the fact Probation could no longer deny knowledge of the true events, which led to my conviction. London had viewed all the evidence  I was given a conditional discharge for good behaviour and warned that I must not get in trouble for a year. If I did this it is considered to be a breach of the Probation Order.  I was discharged.  Northamptonshire Police Force the Court Order was spent. 
      At a later date I had a Criminal Barrister from Courtney Griffins QC Chamber between her and the prosecution they worked out that either there was a major issue with the police computerised system or someone was tampering with paperwork as with the same my medical records. She told me to go back to District Judge Venables, I told her she just will not listen. My Barristers told me straight litigants do win.  I am aware of this. 

When I returned to London of course Probation and Northampton Borough Council denied any knowledge about the housing issues. I was returned to the Magistrates’ Court, because of my good behaviour and the fact Probation could no longer deny knowledge of the true events, which led to my conviction. London had viewed all the evidence met my child; which was showed very clearly my child and I, are the victims. From then on bad things were going to my child and I.  Wicked things were going to happen to us, we were going to visit hell and we never knew it. I was given a conditional discharge for good behaviour and warned that I must not get in trouble for a year.   If I did this will be considered to be a breach of the Probation Order I was currently to be discharged of and would be sent to prison.  As usual I was good and by the time my child was kidnapped by the Northamptonshire Police Force the Court Order was spent.

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