
Tuesday, 29 May 2012

My Injury

My Injury

I have a deformed hand. This is the same hand  the Council twisted up.  When I sued Northampton Borough Council for libel and Slander during the period of the document presented below, in writing the Council denied doing this. The Judges had the documentation between them.  Guess when all this happened when I stood up in a small town and disclosed what had been going on in their own nursery, well before my child came along, then threw away my prized possessions.  The judges who presided over the Part 8 Libel and Slander case are:

District Judge McHale, District Judge Karen Venables and District Judge Murdoch to name just a few.  The Circuit High Court Judge who heard my application to set aside an Order told me to go to the House of Lords, because 'they will not let me reinstate the claim'.

When I sacked my last lawyer in reference to the child proceedings, I was receiving support from another. He told me that when I get to the County Court justice will prevail, because my case is indeed about litigation. I retorted since when have the Court ever given us justice. He replied that was then and this is now.

When His Honour Judge Waine threw out my first appeal by his own omission WITHOUT reading the paperwork. My lawyer friend (African-British) told me to do what I have to do, because this is a famous case. His words did not sink in, because all I was thinking about were the two foster carers who abused my little girl and she is living with people who complain about her hair creme (in writing).  My child now only greases her hair the night before she has contact with me.  All her school friends have told me that they preferred my child when she was living with me, even the yobs, who attended her school. My child is swearing amongst over things. She was only 11 years of age. I grew up in East end and I was not even like that at this age
. Never believe the Council in their report writing. They have now stopped sending me her school reports, because I complained that certain pages were missing.

Moving back to the subject of my deformed hand,  the same hand the Northamptonshire Police Force twisted up when they beat me up and abducted my only child. During the criminal proceedings brought against me, only one witness turned up.  During submissions the Judge looked me straight in the eye and told me not to mention hospital or psychiatry (reveals the expert in my family court matter is a quack).

The Judge placed clear instructions stating that if the jury heard I was admitted into hospital, because of the manner in which I was arrested the jury will believe that my injuries were so severe that it is for this reason alone that I was admitted into hospital. When he asked me if I understood and I replied yes, all including the Judge looked at me and held my gaze.

Well, the plan backfired. As soon as the Counsel asked me to narrate what happened that eventful day of my child's abduction. I told the story alright, I did not pause for breath until I finished with .. at 12 midnight one police woman drove me to a psychiatric hospital.  ALL the jury stared at my left hand.  

Let me touch on the Expert in the Family Court the Criminal Court burnt his report. All my Barrister said to me is I want you to sign here, to enable me to retrieve your record from the psychiatric unit. I need to know that you do not have any underlying tendencies, before  I fight for the return of your child.

Once he received the report, he said I am now going to fight for you and based on all the work you have done so far.  I will not let you down.  Everynight he took my bundles home!

UK secret family courts and the NOT so expert witnesses.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. Greeetings!
