
Thursday 31 May 2012

Take A Break With Northampton County Court

Take A Break With Northampton County Court

Lets us take a break and go back to the time my child was taken, starting with Mr Prester Coleman Solicitor. The dark horse of family law. The man who took money to retain my child in care and did not have the nerve to attend court to face my claim and defend himself.

Click Here To Read More.

The fact that Mr Coleman did not turn up to Court the first time, showed his guilt and when I appealed, this solicitor shut shop and run away; this very action spoke volumes.

Prester Coleman, Northampton, Northamptonshire


Note when Northampton Court really wants to receive something this is how they do send it. When they do not they leave the document on file and send it whenever.

My Mr Michael Ellis MP should now be on their case once a week until they get it sorted, by returning my child. On 23rd December when they forced into my home, yet again with the police they stated that one of the complainants is Mr Michael Ellis citing, because of an email. They made is clear that no one has viewed the said email.

The issue is 'evidence' with no supporting evidence apart fro the words of people who have done my family wrong, my child and I continue to be abused in this way.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

My Injury

My Injury

I have a deformed hand. This is the same hand  the Council twisted up.  When I sued Northampton Borough Council for libel and Slander during the period of the document presented below, in writing the Council denied doing this. The Judges had the documentation between them.  Guess when all this happened when I stood up in a small town and disclosed what had been going on in their own nursery, well before my child came along, then threw away my prized possessions.  The judges who presided over the Part 8 Libel and Slander case are:

District Judge McHale, District Judge Karen Venables and District Judge Murdoch to name just a few.  The Circuit High Court Judge who heard my application to set aside an Order told me to go to the House of Lords, because 'they will not let me reinstate the claim'.

When I sacked my last lawyer in reference to the child proceedings, I was receiving support from another. He told me that when I get to the County Court justice will prevail, because my case is indeed about litigation. I retorted since when have the Court ever given us justice. He replied that was then and this is now.

When His Honour Judge Waine threw out my first appeal by his own omission WITHOUT reading the paperwork. My lawyer friend (African-British) told me to do what I have to do, because this is a famous case. His words did not sink in, because all I was thinking about were the two foster carers who abused my little girl and she is living with people who complain about her hair creme (in writing).  My child now only greases her hair the night before she has contact with me.  All her school friends have told me that they preferred my child when she was living with me, even the yobs, who attended her school. My child is swearing amongst over things. She was only 11 years of age. I grew up in East end and I was not even like that at this age

Monday 21 May 2012

District Judge Karen Venables

District Judge Karen Venables

This is what they were trying to hide when they took my child. They found that my daughter was growing up to be a girl who could read and write. So they waited and took her, abused my child so she will only remember this. This is what Cllr Joan Kirkbride, District Judge Karen Venables and His Honour Judge Stephen Waine are trying to hide. There is more to this sorry tell!

NSPCC Child Protection Help Line

NSPCC Child Protection Help Line

In the end I went to London and was provided with some wonderful information. I will share with you at a later date. The family friend is a social worker.

Saturday 19 May 2012

A Step In Time Before Northampton Borough Council

A Step In Time Before Northampton Borough Council

My maiden name.

Ngozi Godwell.

I am the lady in black. Blue is for those graduating with a Masters Degree.

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