
Thursday, 30 November 2017

Theresa Kelly

Theresa Kelly


OasisUpdating House Of Northampton

One of the Devil's favourite tools is DISCOURAGEMENT! Always trying to get you looking at your own mistakes, sins, weaknesses and failures!  

Just picks and picks at all your little flaws and shortcomings and exaggerates and blows them up out of all proportion! This is one of the Devil's favourite tactics. Knowing that it's impossible for a failing local body (who bank roles them) to defeat you as long as you keep on fighting, so she tries to persuade you that you're a hopeless case, so you might as well surrender and give up.

The recording is made on a Monday.
Come the Tuesday, I witnessed a woman staggering and holding onto the reception counter.

The woman looked like Theresa Kelly. I did a double take. Then a few minutes later, the very same woman lurched away heading back to the offices and for sure that  Theresa Kelly.  I thought she must have heard her recording placed on the internet.

So there we have one of the mental health issues Theresa Kelly does state she does have ALCOHOLISM.

In the same week on the Tuesday Theresa Kelly did telephone Oxford Outreach reach team to tell them I had refused to engage with her and to make contact with her again.

Maybe I did miss something, the recording states otherwise.

Northampton Hope Centre can lie as much as they want. They did nothing to help house me and ignored my pleas for help when I was vulnerably housed, which in the end did render me homeless.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Helene Vancliff A Senior Housing Options Adviser

Helene Vancliff A Senior Housing Options AdviserHousing Options and Advice
Northampton Borough Council

Monday, 27 November 2017